Tuesday, February 19, 2013

First Daddy Daughter Dance!

So while visiting our sweet cousins in OOOOOKlahoma where the wind blows gently off the plains... sorry, I cannot help myself!  While visiting our girls got the chance to go to a Daddy Daughter dance together!  The girls were so excited they were jumping up and down at the thought of it.  Us Mommas got them gussied up and ready... I think the pictures below show you several things:
(1) Our girls are beautiful!
(2) Our girls sure aren't shy about posing for us now are they!
First, here is a shot of our Daddies and their little princesses:
Now while the boys were primping (you know you were Cuz), the girls had a little fun with us:

They loved to pose "sassy"

Rock Star Pose

 We did manage to bribe the little brothers to jump in!
 So cute!  Too bad sweet Kins was napping through all this
My sweet girl (and the photo bomber in the back haha)

Best friends for life

Daddy came out to take a few shots - he had to kiss his oldest Best Girl

We had to get a shot with all of Daddy's princesses in it - don't worry Kins, you will get your chance in a few years

So cute together!

Kins got a few kisses from her Daddy before they left


So here they are - ready to PARTY

The boys might have thought all these pictures were overboard.. I don't know what they are talking about.  This is our version of prom (at least for the next ten years)...
At last they were off.  While they danced and dined, us Mommies took the boys and Kins out to dinner for a Mommy-Son&Kins Date.  We too had a great night (and yummy food and drinks hehe).
While we dined, the boys did send us some pictures to show us what they were up too:
There was a limo they could ride around the block in (and they did several times and told me later they were like rock stars 'cause rock stars ride in limos haha)

They were given tiaras and wands for the night as they were princesses (note no eyes were poked out with those wands, despite a hundred girls dancing like crazy with those pointy objects in their hands - God was watching over them I would say)

Daddy and KK at the dance - they danced, ate dinner, KK made Daddy a homemade colored on tie for him to wear, and they even got to bring home balloons from the dance.  As KK said afterwards "Best.Dance.Ever."
Daddy even taped her dancing to Beat It (gotta have some Michael Jackson if you want to dance and break it down) - see below.  Daddy said she danced all night long and just laughed and smiled.  He siad you couldn't get her to leave the dance floor.  :-)

Daddy and KK had an amazing time!  Here they are after coming back home - she was all smiles.  I love that he did this for her and that they had so much fun together!  She's got a pretty amazing Daddy (both the girls do)!
Sweet Dreams Y'all!
See my post about the rest of our trip below:

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