Friday, May 31, 2013

One Last End of School CELEBRATION

So one last celebration for the end of the school year: a dinner with neighborhood friends.  Originally this was supposed to be a reunion with our cousins and our neighbors but due to sickness they couldn't attend. Such a diverse group of kids amongst our families, but they are all friends.  KK and AJ, and now baby Kins, have grown up with this kiddos pictured below!  I couldn't come up with enough words of how great each of them are!
 One thing I wanted to do was celebrate our kindergarteners and 4th graders who were "graduating" in a few days!  So after dinner we shared a cake we picked up with everyone.  Then the kids were off to play together while the rest of us parents chilled and talked.


AJ loves this guy - he is so cool to AJ because he is big and plays football.  It helps that he also is sweet (shush don't tell his high school friends) and kind and a great role model for AJ.  They had fun together hanging out - AJ loves his "boy time".

Baby Kins had no problem finding someone to love and dote on her all night long... she was passed around momma to momma and coo'd over (her favorite activity)

We aren't going to ask about this - the parents were enjoying grown up time entirely too much to care.  (And they were in great hands with the big kids being careful - I promise).

 I'm going to say it again, we have been blessed by some amazing friends that surround us.  What a fun night! 
Sweet Dreams Y'all!