Friday, October 19, 2012

TCU Homecoming Parade

If you have read the name of this blog, then you know: we bleed purple!  If you read my last blog about our adventures over the last nine years, then you know: our babies don't miss many games.   And just in case you missed the last two references, let me show you my latest, greatest and favoritist picture:

My little horned frog babies!  I mean, this is being printed and posted everywhere I can think of!  They are precious and cute and perfect... I mean I might be slightly biased.... and maybe this was one of ten pictures in which Baby K wasn't crying, AJ wasn't looking around.  Thank goodness KK was on cue as always!  Anyway - we had to grab a shot of our sweet little horned frogs all purpled out before we hit the road to TCU to watch the homecoming parade.

One more picture hehe...
Okay I am focused now! So on the fly we decided to face rush hour traffic and go to TCU to watch the homecoming parade. I mean kids love parades. Especially my kids. I like to think it is the excitement with the music and floats/cars. (My kids will tell you its for the candy first.)  We got a crazy idea to check on some good friends to see if they were free to spend some time with us - our evening just fell into place as they were free and ready to have some fun.  We had to take picture right away of our friends meeting Baby K for the first time.
Here is our old friends - I mean old in that they knew us before we had jobs, mortgage, kids, wrinkles.. you know, back when we were 18. (Not old as in older than us).  In fact, these two are the reason I met dear hubby at TCU my first week at school freshman year.  My hubby and Mr. A (as we will call him for blog purposes) were roomies.  And I met Mrs. B my first hour on campus (ha-ha, our parents forced us to be nice and say hi to one another as we were the first two to move into the dorm due to frog camp.  Who knew 14 years later we would be married to these boys, raising kids and still friends?).  
I digress as usual.... back to the parade.  We were not disappointed: there was music, dancing, college students and even candy.  It was fun!

Got to love our TCU Marching Band!  The best part of the parade if you ask me!  Well, that and seeing Mary Ruth.  I yelled at her to see if she was still "on fire".  That earned me an odd look and I swear the car she was in picked up speed.  For all you horned frogs out there who did frog camp, you have to remember the chant "Mary Ruth. Mary Ruth.  Mary Ruth is on fire!" 
If we are going to discuss all strange looks and cars speeding away - I should probably mention at this point that I also might have taken my chance when the chancellor's car drove past to shake my AJ in the air and requested at the top of my lungs "free tuition for my cute horned frog".  My hubby was embarrassed (I sort of do that to him a lot), but the chancellor did smile and point at me as he drove by... I'm still waiting on the signed letter that he agreed to my terms...

It isn't a parade without SUPER FROG

or the horn that managed to scare the doody out of all of us (parents included)

Here we were holding down our piece of the sidewalk.  Mrs. B and Baby K were behind us soaking each other in more than the parade.  Baby K was loving her snuggles!

It was only fair that after the candy was put away (maybe a few pieces tasted for quality assurance), that Mr. A also meet Baby K up close and personal.

Daddy and AJ waving the TCU flag the girls gave him from the parade (the college girls tend to love on this boy in a parade, and he so works it so they fawn on him as they walk past and give him candy and treats).

Sweet C-Bear!  She was also a favorite at the parade, and who wouldn't think this cutie deserves extra candy?  It's hard to get a shot of her, she is a girl on the move.

But KK loves her so and will grab her for a picture!

While our kids were frolicking in front of good old Jarvis Hall with our friends, we did what any two parents with three kids does when faced with a few minutes of freedom.  We pulled out the camera and played "how many pictures until we get a decent shot of just the two of us".  I know, we are party animals, right?  FYI this is picture #3.
Here is a shot of all of us - I love it! Baby K didn't like that we made the snuggling stop to take the picture.  She let us know about it.  C-Bear wasn't sure what to make about that baby getting so loud.  Makes me laugh :-)
After the parade and running around to burn off some energy, we walked over to McAlisters to eat and spend some time catching up with one another.  It was a beautiful night in Texas, so once our tummies were full, we headed to the homecoming festival to listen to some music, watch some fireworks and let the kids lose in the bounce houses. 

The fireworks started right after we arrived - like I said our evening just seemed to fall into place.  It was great!

After the fireworks the band came on to play us some tunes.  Sweet C-Bear immediately started to break it down for us all.  It was the cutest thing I have ever seen (and I have seen some cute kids people)!  I am not surprised at all - I remember watching her mommy and daddy kicking up their heals together in college :-)

Baby K and Mrs. B were quite the couple, snuggling and soaking it all in.  I think Baby K was spoiled as she was danced to sleep and she loved it.
I got to have an adventure with C-Bear as my kiddos were bouncing in houses with their daddy and her parents were watching Baby K. We decided to take off and find a balloon clown to make us a cool balloon pet or sword or something. This little girl is an angel, she just held on to me and off we went. Our first clown apparently had been sipping on some "sauce" as her personal space was a.lot.smaller.than.mine. She was enjoying those college boys in line a bit too much, so as the responsible adult I covered C-Bear's eyes and we went in search of a new clown. The next clown wasn't an improvement. He went to clown school long long long ago. I think he fell asleep working on the balloon monkey in his hands as he quit moving for awhile. Good thing we still had the band. C-Bear and I just danced around and enjoyed ourselves. We got quite a few compliments (I am pretty sure they were mostly for her, but I said thank you just in case they liked my moves too, you never know). 

I love this little face!  We did eventually get a balloon believe it or not!  We found a non-drunk, non-old clown and used this cute little face to convince her to make us a puppy before she went home.  Mission accomplished!  I did have fun with this little cutie - I want to keep her!
So we pretty much shut the party down.   Before we knew it, it was time to go home.  A funny story I heard later on the way home:  Apparently daddy had a talk on the walk to the car with AJ. 
Daddy: Did you have fun?
KK: Yeaaaa
AJ: No.
Daddy:  Why not?
AJ (as depressed as you can get when are three years old):  Mommy RUINED my WHOLE day.  
Daddy: How did she do that?
AJ:  She said I had to get out.
Ruined his night?  Where did he hear that phrase and how did he know how to use it just right?  The drama - it cracked us up!  And how did I ruin his day?  I told him and his sister to get out of the bounce house as we had to go home (they were about to deflate it for crying out loud, I saved his life sort of).  What can I say, mission II accomplished lol. Ruined kids life- check.
Well, just so you know and don't worry, AJ survived his "ruined" day.  Our family had a wonderful evening and we can't wait to do it again with Mr. A, Mrs. B and Baby C-Bear!  Love  you guys!

Goodnight from our little horned frogs - sweet dreams! 
P.S. Update from the game vs. Tech: you did us proud horned frogs!  Great playing, great game!  Next year Tech better watch out for us, we won't repeat a loss!

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