Sunday, October 28, 2012

Our Imperfect Pumpkin Patch Adventure

The pumpkin patch... a land filled with large pumpkins, dust, hay bales and children....  We promised the kiddos we would go to the patch, an annual family tradition in our home.  Due to the crazy that has been our world lately, our first chance to take the kids was just last weekend.  Right before Halloween - we knew it was going to be insane.  But we still thought we can take the kids and find a patch of pumpkins, take a few shots to remember our trip, have some fun and leave. 
Little did we realize how awesome this trip was going to be.  I think AJ's opening comment as we were getting ready to leave set the tone for our trip: "Just so you know Mommy, I am not taking any pictures with my sissys or you or daddy.  I am just going to take a picture by myself."
Well we got one picture of the three of them sort of together (I think there was a bribe for this one)
This picture is a better representation of our picture taking session at the patch.  Please note that AJ isn't the only one who is not happy!
Our sweet KK decided to take advantage of her sibling's attitudes and just went all senior picture on us... she sure loves to pose for the camera (we did not pose her at all for any of the following pictures):

She is a beauty!  She did try to take a few shots with her baby sissy.  KK was a sport!

Now Baby K didn't hide what she thought about the pumpkin patch.  Let these pictures show you her feelings on the matter and see if you can guess: 

This one cracks me up - KK decided to jump in and make it a "senior pic" despite Baby K's obvious thoughts on the photo session.
So did you figure it out?  Our sweet baby K was having NONE of this picture taking.  First the sun was in her eyes, so she cried.  Then we moved her and the wind made her cold.  We added a blanket... she still wasn't happy.  The only thing sweet baby K wanted to do was sit in her stroller with her monkey doll and snooze like this visit never happened.  You would think we were frustrated, but honestly she made us laugh the whole way through.  Our little Diva!  We expect nothing less at this point.  She looked so adorable crying on those big pumpkins, I know I will be smiling every time I see these pictures in years to come.

Our attempted girl shot - note there was no boy shot as AJ was true to his word... see the next picture.

I think this picture also speaks a thousand words!  Look at that - true to his word, Mr. AJ smiled the biggest and bestest when we was alone, sitting on a pumpkin of his very own choosing.  Again, you would think this would make us frustrated.  But I smile every time I see this picture with the others.  My sweet but oh so stubborn little boy.  I can't hold it against you, where do you think you got that stubborn streak from? 


 Sweet KK wasn't about to give up on a picture with her Baby K - so we finally got one!  Again, my children's personalities were amplified this time around.  KK was smiling, running around in glee, happy and willing to do just about anything we asked.  Most of the time posing without being asked!
So my sweet babies.  One happy as a lark following our requests, one stubborn as can be and marching to his own drum and one little diva who I will do anything for.  I can't fault their little quirks - it makes them the kids I love so much!

Our one.and.only. family shot!  Again the personalities were a showing.  The diva crying, the glam girl in the middle smiling and the stubborn kid who would not move one inch off of "his" pumpkin to sit with his family for a picture (he did smile though). simply as it tells such a story.  It is a crazy circus, but its our circus :-)

Ahh - sweet Baby K in her "sweet spot" with monkey, snoozing away after those retched pictures were taken lol

After pictures we went off to play.  Super duper large pumpkins were inspected as we made our way to the play area.  Then it was a pumpkin bounce house, followed by several rounds through a big hay maze!  Love these last shots of the bigger kiddos - we could barely catch them to take a picture they were running around so fast.  As they should!

So, some might say this pumpkin patch adventure was a bust.  There was no perfect picture in any sense of us all smiling and looking together.  But I think these IMPERFECT pictures are just perfect for our imperfect family!  They make me laugh and tear up - I will always be able to look at them and remember how much fun and how sweet our crazy little family was, quirks and all!  Who wants perfect when you have a glam gal, a stubborn toot and a diva that you can love instead :-)
Sweet dreams! 
Tomorrow we have major Halloween treating to a get to!

1 comment:

  1. This was adorable.....loved tagging along to see your post and pictures! I wanted to go so bad this year, but it did not work out! Happy Halloween!! Your kids are just so cute!
