Thursday, December 22, 2011

Visiting Mr. Clause

While at our annual Gaylord Staycation (see previous post), we took KK and AJ to visit Santa Clause.  While AJ will recite his wish list to anyone who so much as says Merry Christmas (just ask the door greeter at our church), we hadn't officially given our wishes to Santa. 

The kids waited so patiently in line for their turn.  When it was time, they both walked up hand in hand and stood in front of Santa Clause.  The man they had been talking about for weeks, the man who makes reindeer fly and brings presents if you make the nice list...  They both smiled, and sweet Mr. Clause immediately pulled them close and asked them their names.  Within moments both AJ and KK were sitting on Santa's laugh, whispering to one another and smiling so big. 

Daddy and I hear snippets of the discussion.  Yes we are nice.  Yes we mind our Mommy and Daddy and share our toys.  Then we heard the famous Christmas wish list from AJ.  "Monster Truck and Trampoline".  I mention loudly "please" as any mother does without thinking... Santa just smiles and turns to KK.  She says "Tinker toys and a trampoline.... please".   Whew, dodged that one.

The talk ended with pictures and then a discussion on if Santa really likes cookies and milk.  He confirms with a laugh, of course!  Then KK asks about the reindeer, do they like ranch with their carrots?  With a twinkle in his eye, Mr. Clause doesn't hesitate but says "no they don't".  KK and AJ left very happy... and so did Mommy and Daddy.  That was our first visit without one of them in tears and screaming... it was so cute! 

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