Friday, December 2, 2011

My Baby is FIVE!

Five years and 1 day ago today I was sitting at work, unaware of the miracle that God was about to bless us with.  Six weeks early, 14 hours of labor, 5 pounds 13 ounces, 19 inches long, born at midnight on the dot (12:00:00)... And suddenly I wake up this morning and my sweet baby girl is FIVE.  I will save mushy for the end of this blog, and for now show you pictures of my princess' special birthday day!

Here is the birthday girl in all her glory - dressed herself and styled her hair... Her personality as a fashion diva is shining through and I love every bit of it:

Of course, as a natural in front of the camera, we took more than one shot...

Due to being born, despite my best efforts, at midnight on the dot on December 2nd ~ Daddy and I are always able to give our sweet girl kisses the exact moment she entered our lives each year.  Usually we are up anyway prepping for sweet birthday surprises.  We wait until the kids are asleep before we break out the balloons, the crepe paper and the birthday sign.  Daddy works on deco while I decorate a homemade cake (I do it every year and will do it every year until they move away) just for them. 

This year was one of the harder cakes: I made a Rupenzel doll cake.  This bad boy was 75% icing to hold it all together, but overall it worked.  Martha I am not, but perfection is in the eye of the beholder and my baby girl was thrilled with it.  Note our Elf on the Shelf, Flynn, decided to drop in and even attempted to blow up a balloon :-)

We also just about lost all ability to breathe, blowing up about 25 extra balloons to lay over the floor of her bedroom.  We woke her up singing "Happy Birthday" and she looked like she was floating on balloons in her bed.  She loved it.  Daddy had to go to work (boo) but our cousins came by to take us to breakfast at McD's at the birthday girl's request.  Here are the best friends/cousins sharing a birthday hug:

Of course, this is the first year AJ really understood what the fuss was about... let's just say he wasn't thrilled with attention going KK's way but got over it soon enough.

One last shot before we left the house - She is soooo big!  Definately has her Daddy's long legs and her Aunt's fashion sense.  I'll take credit for the coloring and some of her personality :-)

Here is the gang ready for some pancakes before playing.... they did sing Happy Birthday to her.

Now the fun part of our day:  KK's first gift.  A visit from Oma!!!  We hadn't seen Oma in a year (long story there) and finally were able to get her to Texas! KK was talking about it all week, she was so excited for her Oma.  I think this picture says it all - KK didn't want to leave her side, even at lunch.  Both kids, despite the time apart, were hugging and clinging to her like always.  Something about our Oma, we just love her so much!

We had lunch with Oma, then went home to nap and rest and just snuggle one another a little longer.  Before we knew it, it was time to grab the gifts and meet Daddy.  KK's birthday wishes: to have dinner at our favorite pizza place and then go see Arthur Christmas at the movies.

AJ was so sleepy but did good letting sissy have the attention tonight.

Group shot

Yummy pizza!  Our favorite as a family!

Our baby girl is FIVE!  Wow!

Oma got KK a special gift, a gold cross necklace.  She was thrilled, her first piece of real jewelry and she said it will remind her "that Jesus is in my heart too".

So we just give our girl one big gift and consider her party a gift too.  But what to get with Christmas so close?  She surprised us by wanting a DS lite.  She the video, I think she was thrilled but can't tell.  What do you think?

Below is KK ready to see her movie.  It was such a cute movie, got us in the Christmas spirit and made us laugh.  Excellent choice sweetheart!

We ended our day as we started it: singing Happy Birthday to KK.  Our cousins met up with us despite the late hour and we sang and had cake together.  KK said it was the best birthday, and that is all I needed to hear :-)


To my sweet KK:

Five years old.  I will just keep saying it until I believe it.  It's hard for me to believe that you have been in our lives that long.  It seems only yesterday that I was holding you in the hospital room and just staring at you in awe and wonder at how perfect you were made, how beautiful you looked... I still look at you today and think that you are perfect and beautiful.  But now I get to match those traits to your heart and personality.  Sweet sweet KK ~ you have a heart that is so big and so filled with love and concern for all those around you.  You are sensitive, and that is a real gift.  You will get hurt easily sometimes, but it also means you feel more deeply and will have more compassion for those around you.  The stubborn thing, well that's from my side of the family and I am sorry.  I am sure with time you will learn to balance that out.  You watch out for those around you, always making sure you are following the rules and worried that they will too.  Your teachers love you for that, and it reminds me of me when I was little.  Just make sure you run and play wild every now and then.  You have an easy laugh and smile, always ready to play dress up or "house" with your friends. You have such a gift for art, we can see already how you enjoy spending time making projects and coloring and your talent impresses us daily.

Your Daddy and I are always amazing at how independent you can be and how fast you seem to take on "big girl" things like getting ready in the morning and helping your brother without being asked.  Sometimes we forget that you are only so big, but it seems when God made you He knew you were going to be an awesome big sister.  In our eyes, sweet little princess, you will always be perfect and beautiful from the inside out.  While I would ask that time slow down just a bit (I can't face Kindergarten next fall just yet), I look forward to all the memories we have yet to make with you together.  Our whole world changed five years ago, and I thank God for it every night.  I love you... to the moon and BACK!

Love, Your Mommy

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