Saturday, July 16, 2011

Monsters... An Interview

So while we were celebrating our cousin's fifth birthday, AJ noticed a rather large Batman bounce house. He immediately started talking.

AJ: Mommy, dat man is Batman. (pointing up excitedly while I am holding him)

Mommy: Yes, he is a good guy isn't is... really tall there too, huh?

AJ: NO! Batman is a BAD guy (extra emphasis on bad there). He MEAN!

Mommy: Are you sure? Why is he mean?

AJ: He is a MONSTER.... (long pause). He in my closet.

Mommy: A monster? in your closet? No way (faking shock and surprise for little man's benefit).

AJ: (big smile on his face as he reels me in) YEAH! He a monster in my closet! I no like him.

Mommy: (Smiles and laughing - gives AJ big kisses before he takes off to rumble with Daddy in another bounce house.)

I thought we were done with the conversation, and mentally reminded myself to share this with our babysitter as she would get a kick out of this revelation. Little did I know that I would find myself snuggling with AJ after his nap that afternoon and he wanted to talk about it all over again.

This is where I learn a valuable lesson so please pay close attention: it is impossible to interview a two year old on camera. As the final (last of four attempts) version below is proof, the witness (in this case AJ), cannot sit still, rolls around the bed like a wild man and frequently needs to have sips of water to quench his thirst. But I did catch some of the humor I had with him earlier in the day at the bounce house... I just had to remember this silly time, where monsters are real but not too scary, and how AJ is talking so big for being so little...

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