Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Happy 4th of July

What a whirlwind weekend we just had! Despite working a lot before and long after our holiday weekend, we made the most out of our 3 day vacation. KK has wanted a "purple" room for awhile now, and despite our best intentions we have put it off. With her cousin soon to visit, it was crunch time, and we thought a nice 3 day weekend would be perfect to do the job. Little did we expect Oma & Opa to call and ask to visit while in town to see a doctor. So my amazing hubby stepped up his game and painted his bootie off. He started Friday night at 9pm and was finished priming, painting and detailing by Sunday at noon when they arrived. Wow! Did we mention the room was hot pink with chair rail? It was quite a task but he did it and it looks amazing! Final pictures on that later... for now here is KK painting her own room!

We spent the 2nd half of the weekend relaxing. KK went to her 1st official fireworks show! G and I took her to the Lake and we watched the 30 minute show over the water - it was fun. We were trying to tell her about the finale and how it was the best part... but in our enthusiasm for the finale, we kept calling it and then the show would just keep going... after 10 finales, KK decided she was over it and focused on her snacks and cuddling. But it was still so much fun. AJ will definitely join us next year.

Otherwise, time was spent with Oma and Opa playing in the house and taking naps. The kids had a lot of fun!

We did go to the pool twice, despite the showers from "Hurricane Alex". Having attempted to clean up with our little man for months now, I will agree its like being with a wild storm so it is fitting that a hurricane be named after him.

Happy 4th of July! God Bless America (and per KK, God Bless Texas)!

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