Friday, November 11, 2011

Eclipse Soccer - Season 1 Recap

Okay so its June... and I realized that I never posted these amazing pictures of our sweet girl's 1st soccer season with her new team Eclipse.  So here it goes!  The pictures really tell our story.  KK played two seasons with the Y, but now we were on to some serious soccer.  The girls-only team plays three on three, making it more of a challenge and letting the girls play more and enhance their skills.  And boy did we see KK grow over the season!  Last spring she was just starting to get into chasing the ball and allowing others to run near her on the field.  After our awesome season with Eclipse, our little star has fallen in love with the game.  All fear is gone, replaced by a love of her team and the sport itself.  While you might find her cheering her teammates on while she runs beside them more than seeing her score, that never took away from our excitement.  She was the team cheerleader for sure, always supporting her friends and making sure they knew how great they were doing.  Coach Joe loved that she was up for anything, and would run into the game and do whatever she was told without fuss or question.  Don't think she was also a playmaker - our sweet KK had some awesome goals and moments on the field.  We tried so hard to capture those moments, but most of them were spent in the moment jumping and cheering on our girl!  Way to go sweet KK - you played strong, learned so much about the game and most importantly learned that its not about winning or scoring, but about being a great teammate a friend along the way.  I pray you never forget that!  Watching you play warmed our hearts and brought us joy, we love you!

Game 1

The cheering section


Game 3

KK taking the ball down

She's not afraid to steal that ball

Team Eclipse - Fall 2011 - Season 1

Game 5

Wait, I thought we were playing football out here

Sometimes you just need a break from all this running


Yup - blurry because Mommy was jumping up and down screaming GOAL :-)

Game 6

And that's how you score a goal people :-)


Game 7

Inside the tunnel at the end of a great game

Our cousins came to watch - so sweet of them to cheer her on

Game 8
Oh yeah, we can take them

Check out her moves

End of Year Party

Like I said, we are so proud of you KK!  What a great season!

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