Saturday, August 14, 2010

Children's Museum Visit

It has been a H-O-T-T summer! To keep cool, we took KK to see Toy Story 3 at the IMAX theater one afternoon. It was so much fun. We decided to join the museum so we could get the discounts and have a cool place to go with the kids until it gets cooler. Our first visit in a while was just last Saturday. AJ had a blast in the grocery shopping area of the Children's museum.

He was pushing that little cart around as fast as he could, he had so much fun. He would have stayed there forever if we would have let him. KK was there with him, letting him push but making sure that only the appropriate items were purchased (pretend purchasing of course).

We also built some beautiful towers and castles together and went and saw a show on the Texas night sky. AJ loved watching the red laser pointer the lady used to show us the stars, otherwise he was unimpressed.

KK's favorite room was the "Creativity" room. She was in awe of the art desks filled with crayons, markers, and especially glue sticks and scissors. She just sat down and started creating picture after picture. Lately she has sat at home for hours just coloring - she loves it, especially if you join her and color along beside her.
We discovered the "light" room and learned about shadows and light. KK of course went straight to the table where you color with a glow stick. AJ true to form found the glow in the dark blocks and proceeded to make a tower to knock down. All around fun!

It was hard to leave - but after an afternoon of playing and learning, it was time to head home. I am sure we will return soon :-)

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