Sunday, August 22, 2010

AJ Baby Talk

AJ is 17 months old... he is getting so big and it is getting hard to write it all down. While his first word was Dada, Mama was soon after that. Then he was saying "Dis" and "Dat" to point out all the things he wanted and demanded that he have. "Baba" covered his bottle and his boppy. Soon he was saying "Sissa" for KK. Just the other day he did say "Kai-lyn" for the first time ever. We were shopping and KK ran too far ahead, so when I yelled her name all of a sudden AJ decided he too should yell at sissy "Kai-lyn". We all started clapping and AJ was quite happy to find himself the center of such attention - so much so that he lifted his hands up in the air and yelled "sooo biggg". The little toot knows how to work us though, he will only say her name after much begging, or when she is in trouble and I am yelling her name in a certain tone that means trouble.

He is also saying "Peease" for please and "Danku" for Thank you. He is a toot, he knows just when to say those two magic words to get himself out of hot water. AJ is still throwing his little tantrums. If he gets in trouble, he will immediately sit down, pull out that bottom lip, cry a few tears out of his baby blues and then squeal and cry on the top of his lungs as he has been wronged and you better fix it. While Daddy loves that AJ has a pitchers arm and can throw anything he finds across the room, it is now very dangerous to lay down in our living room in the mornings. One never knows when the fierce AJ will decide that while you are maybe resting your eyes during Dora, you need a wooden block tossed at your head. Of course, the minute he lets loose and you yell "N0", the tantrum begins.

AJ doesn't need something in his hand to use his "pitching arm". If Sissy is bossing or not giving him a toy he wants, or if Mommy is telling him no while holding him, or if Daddy puts him down before he was ready... all of a sudden the arm goes up and bam, he has hit you. The little bottom lip comes out again and he looks as though you are the one who hit him, when in fact you are the victim. The boy has heard the phrase "No hitting" so many times that the last time I said it to KK while holding him, AJ hit me in response. I wasn't even talking to him. Little toot. It looks like time out is about to start for him... how will we ever keep his little bottom on a chair? More on that later...

Lately AJ has been into books. If you ask out loud "AJ want to get a book to read" he will go running for the books and grab one before running on to the rocking chair. Of course, we never get to finish a book. AJ is determined to be the one to turn the pages and hold the book halfway through. I am glad he loves to read, its a passion I hope to pass on to him and KK.

AJ is a mover and a shaker. When Backyardigans comes on, he will smile and dance in little circles by the TV. He can now also climb on every bed in the house, and while it terrifies me to think of him falling off and breaking something, he finds it funny to sneak away to climb on one so he can surprise me when I come looking for him. At least for the moment, his crib is safe and he hasn't figured out how to climb out. Speaking of hiding, AJ loves hide and seek. He will play it, even if you aren't playing it with him. The other day, KK was playing with him and he took off to sit under his highchair and covered his eyes as if to say "can't see me cause I can't see you". KK and I were laughing for awhile over that. AJ has also learned that door knobs are things you need to get into rooms that you aren't supposed to be in. He can now open them... he will be the reason I go gray someday. But its been fun so far!

We are working now on our colors. Green is "gree" and blue is "buuu". Its funny, I need to get some video of the boy. Belly buttons are also funny things these days - they all must go beep beep when he pokes them, and AJ is not above lifting your shirt in public to find your bellybutton if he so desires to hear a "beep beep".

As for this picture - having a big sister means that AJ is surrounded by princess things all day long. He embraces it, as you can see, and we had to take this picture as he was the one who grabbed the dress and held it up to be put on... and he was the one who danced in a circle when we said he looked pretty... don't worry. He and daddy pulled out some balls and played hoops after this :-)

There is never a dull moment with him, but he is still my snuggle bug and loves a good hug and kiss (usually when he is sleepy). He definately brings us all laughter and smiles - I love you my sweet baby boy! (or as KK calls him "my little bubby)...

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