Saturday, November 8, 2014

TCU vs. K-State: this is for all the marbles

So we are a family divided!  I said it!  When it comes down to football, we all bleed purple.  It's just some of us are Northerners and the best of us are Southerners.  Oh yeah, I said it out loud (well I typed it loudly).
TCU vs. K-State
South vs. North
Horned Frogs vs. Wildcats
The best vs. the Ehhh
Okay just teasing on that last one.  We sure do love our Wildcat aunts and uncles... and we love to trash talk them before our annual matchup on the football field! 
Sadly bragging rights have gone to the Wildcats the last two years... but that isn't stopping KK and AJ from trash talking nonstop as we get ready to watch the game.  This year our Aunt JuJu and Aunt Liz came down to watch the game and spend the weekend with us.
Here is the cutest little TCU cheerleader that has ever been!  And she knows it people!  And yes, those are M&Ms in her hand to bribe her into taking pictures... this is how we roll.

And my completely unbiased opinion: the CUTEST ever TCU fans in the world!  Completely unbiased...

A group hug!  The trash talking doesn't change how much we love our aunts!

And this is where KK gets her fashion sense and her sassiness!

We had to have a K-State and TCU family picture!

I placed this in here as it makes me laugh so much... this is what is happening in between pictures when I am setting up the camera... complete and total chaos reins.

The aunts were about to take the leaf throwing boy (aka AJ) down in this picture... and moments later

Here we all are: a nice normal family (hahahaha)!  I love us, I really do!  We are crazy but so much fun!
Aunt Liz requested this next pose:

The K-State fan versus the TCU fans... WE BLEED PURPLE and take our football very seriously folks.  Except for Kins who took this time to actually cheese haha.

We love our Aunts!

After our photo op in the front yard, it was time to head to Joe T's for some grub (another tradition)! 
Then we were off to TCU to tailgate and get some face painting.  First was face painting.  After a mad dash to Frog Alley, the kids picked out some awesome designs for their faces.
Then we did a little tailgating at our sweet friend's spot, having a few drinks and some beautifully designed cookie cake. 
Then it was time to head inside the stadium to watch our Horned Frogs!   Riff ram baa zoo!  Here are a few pictures of us all as we watched the game: 


Kins was all about her treats and playing on daddy's phone... and all about walking around the stadium like a big girl.  Not so much about sitting still and watching, but by the 3rd quarter TCU was far enough ahead that I didn't mind some one and one time with my baby girl.

It was actually cold at the game!  AJ was bundled like a baby burrito in his Ninja Turtle blanket with his pluto and his Aunt JuJu for the last half.  Snuggly!

Love these girls!  KK got to go shopping this morning with her aunts and found the perfect scarf for the game tonight.  Like I said, she wants to be just like these ladies when she grows up (and I am all for that)!

We couldn't quite fit the whole gang...

So a few nearby fans helped us out as TCU wrapped up the game for a WIN!  I won't brag too much about our Horned Frogs.  We gave Aunt Liz lots of hugs and didn't cheer too too loudly at the end, as we know just how it feels to lose.  Next year Lizzie!
Here is our baby burrito and puppy, snug as a bug and too tired to finish the game.  He was assured TCU was going to pull off the win before the warmth and late hour got to his little eyelids.
Thank you Aunt JuJu and Liz for driving all the way down here to visit!  We loved having you and had so much fun!  It went by way too fast like always.
Sweet Dreams Y'all!

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