Friday, December 6, 2013

Icepocalypse 2013

Okay so once a year, if that much, our nice warm Texas attempts to have winter.  I say attempt as we never actually receive white fluffy snow that allows for traditional sledding, snowball fights or snow people.  At least the German-born girl who was cross country skiing at the age of five says this isn't real snow.  For my Texas-born babies, the "ice-snow" as I have deemed it qualifies as snow for them.  Maybe I am being a little snobby :-)
So when we woke up to school closings and our city covered in ice, we looked out the windows to see everything covered in ice.  I asked AJ and KK if they would like to bundle up and go outside to play.  From deep within the house I heard grumblings of "When's the sun coming back out?" and "I am not going out there, it's COLD".  Yup... Texas babies through and through.  We can do 105 degrees next to a pool, go a degree below 60 and we get a little cranky.
But somehow, after stressing how more than likely this was the only "snow" we would see at our house this year, they relented and started to excited about playing outside.  It was ICY!  Our first steps out onto the "snow" and we almost busted our bums!
Here is a shot of my two cuties in the snow
Here is a picture of AJ... yeah sadly that is the biggest coat he has.  And yes, that living room is the reason I felt it was time to go outside and burn some energy :-)

So cute!

So we decided since it was so slick on the "snow" that we would try a little white-trash Texas sledding... that means get out your cookie sheets ladies!  Here was our first race down the slope:

Haha - as you can see KK won the race with her feet in the air form.  What you do not see is me attempting it before they raced to ensure it was safe for everyone. 
Sadly, there is a video of me sledding.  Happily, we have never actually taken video from our camcorder and uploaded it to a computer in years! Hehe!

I thought this picture was neat - our little bush covered in thick ice.

Well we couldn't stay inside after our first adventure in the backyard... we waited for Baby Kins to wake up so she could experience her first every snow!  Here is a family shot - don't judge me as it was/is a PJ day with no showers.  And yes, those are pajama pants... I know it's scary.

Ha - got a picture of her looking only for KK to close her eyes.  Story of our lives.

Checking out our mittens.  We actually got her dressed in her coat, hat and mittens without tears this time.  Was it because we did it in front of Flynn (our Elf) and she was trying to be good or could it be the excitement of Mommy saying "Wanna go outside?"?  We will never know.

We did run into our neighbors for an impromptu playdate
We were so happy we were jumping for joy!

Baby's 1st Snow!  Can she get any cuter?

She wasn't so sure about this cold wind thing though...
Hi Daddy!

Our street looking very wintery

Ice angels, not snow angels.. you can tell the difference as we cannot make a dent in the ice-snow.  But they tried!
All in all a great SNOW DAY together with friends!  We did a lot more White Trash Texas sledding in the front driveway, and the side of the house, and the neighbors driveway and yard....  I might have done another run myself... for the safety of the children of course.  And I might have gone so fast I ended up in the middle of the street.  There were no cameras allowed, hehe, darn!
So sweet dreams from a frosty Texas!  Hope you are staying warm tonight like we are, with lots of layers on!

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