Sunday, October 17, 2010

KK's 1st Soccer Season

After many many many months of KK asking when she will be big enough to play soccer, the time came and we signed her up as fast as we could. Having never really played with her (she has just watched the kids playing on the soccer fields by our house), we weren't sure what to expect, but all we wanted was for her to have a fun time. We signed up with our friend McKenzie and got Coach Carl as our coach. Our first practice was entertaining to say the least. KK was more concerned about shin guards and her pretty new shoes, but the dad's got the team going and we kicked the ball around. We left practice thinking that we covered all the bases... we probably should have explained the game a little more to KK.

Our first game was two days after our first practice. We got our jerseys as we walked to the field - neon green and yellow. The kids look cute in them, but man are they bright. Our team decided mid-game that we were THE GREEN MACHINES! Very cute name.. apparently The Buzz Lightyears were taken by the other team we were playing ha-ha! KK was called onto the field first - and she did great. She was told to stand on the circle and she did... even as the ball flew by. After three years of telling her to take turns, be sweet and not to push, Mommy and Daddy were cheering for her and telling her to forget all that and just get that ball. It was very funny. But our sweet KK, she didn't get scared or cry... she just ran around with her teammates, watching the ball but always making sure to avoid the crowd of kids surrounding the ball. And the best part, she had a blast!

Here is a picture of her at the first game, as the ball flew past, KK turned and saw me about to snap a picture and she of course stopped chasing the silly ball and stiked a pose! Classic KK - how silly you are, we love you!

Here is KK and some of her fellow Green Machines having a quick pow-wow with Coach Carl before kickoff.. so cute and so big in her jersey. While KK isn't a fan of the pushing and crowds around the ball, she is an amazing runner and will jog back and forth with the team. Sometimes we see a bird fly by, or notice a pretty flower, but we always come back to the game. Coach loves that KK will join the team on the field anytime and just jump right in the game, she is a strong teammate that way.

Her sweet friend Kenzie is below too - what a little powerhouse she is. She might run onto the field bawling her eyes out, but she will push her way to the ball and has no fear. Her and KK approach the game very different, but they have fun together!

My favorite moment might have been her second or third game, the ball and crowd of kids came near her and KK saw the ball right there. Instead of diving in, in her self-preservation way she put her arms up around her and cringed away from the crowd, while sticking her little toe as far as she could to attempt to hit the ball. It was so precious watching her trying to kick the ball while making sure no one got too close. So sweet!

Here is her game from this past weekend -- notice shes getting in there and getting that ball. In just four games, KK has learned so much. She is getting over her fear of getting hit and really enjoys when she kicks the ball. We are just happy she is enjoying the game! Spring soccer is definately in our future. We have such a wonderful team and great parents who just want the kids to learn and have a good time.

And of course, the Green Machine's unofficial player: AJ! He joins every huddle during practice and he truely believes he is on the team. You will catch him running out on the field during a game (and then see Daddy or Mommy frantically trying to catch him and pull him back to the sidelines). He is a great little brother, always cheering for Kaitlyn from his little purple chair. He practices his moves with Daddy on the sidelines, ready to be 3 so he can go out and play too. Don't worry little man, your day is coming!

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