Friday, October 31, 2014

Trick or Treat! Smell our feet!

Happy Halloween my pretties! 
I love tonight.  Why do you ask?  Because my kids are not going to be little forever (gasp) and I love this age and how excited they get about dressing up. How they really believe they transform into someone else by putting on a dress or mask.  The pure excitement about candy and racing around in the dark with friends to get it all.  Embrace it, because before I am ready they will be "too big" to trick or treat with us around the neighborhood.  Instead we will be manning our front door and remembering the fun of these years.  And since I can barely remember why I enter a room, I need a lot pictures to capture these fun memories...
Our gang, primed and ready to get some CANDY!
KK was Princess Elsa this year, from our favorite movie Frozen.  While she was one in a hundred girls dressed like Elsa, her gown far outweighed them all.  I know because I doubt any of those girls got their dress at Disney World this year and wore it to meet the real Elsa (and they definitely didn't spend the money we spent -- ahh the crazy things you do on vacation)! 

 She looked stunning!  She even insisted on hiding her cast so she would look just like the real Elsa :-)

AJ was the red Power Ranger this year!  While we don't watch the TV shows very much, for some reason he was all about this costume.  We got it in August and this boy has played and spent in his suit since then.  Money well spent and it's been fun watching him play around the house in costume (he won't do that forever I know).

Elsa and Red were all about pictures...

Minnie Mouse was not about pictures!  She actually came outside and yelled "NO!" right after I took this.  She is pretty much the cutest Minnie in the world, but man she has some attitude!

So she wasn't about having a picture in the grass... just by the dirty garage door.  Did I mention she is stubborn?

After much bribing (with candy), we did get her into the grass.

But a group picture was just too much for her and she let us know all about it.  Minnie Mouse never pulls this crap in the Clubhouse (haha).

My sweet Minnie telling Daddy she wants to "GOOOO!" in her wagon

So off we went - on to our friends house for some Halloween treats and a Jack-O-Lantern pizza before the candy collecting began.
Minnie with her Dada

I actually got the cutest smile from our Minnie during dinner!!!  YAY!
After we ate, we took some pictures and then it was time to get that CANDY.
The girls

Sweet friends

The gang!  Yes, AJ wasn't about pictures anymore... so he jumped in at the last minute and poked his head out but he was not going to smile.  That boy :-)

This was the first year that Minnie Mouse (aka Kins) was big enough to be walking up and doing her own candy collecting.  Our first stop was at a sweet friend's house to make it easy.

And of course we had to get a picture together of our first TREAT!

Elsa and Red were off and running door to door in a wild candy panic.  Minnie on the other hand preferred to be carried to the door and placed down to be a "big" girl when selecting her candy.  Then picked up again to be walked to the next stop.  We should have dressed this girl up as a princess because she certainly thinks she is royalty...

AJ helping his sister pick the right candy she likes

Love this shot of Minnie with her Daddy.  This was about the time she quit walking and only wanted Mommy to hold her the rest of the night.

AJ found some friends and we had to snap a pic before they took off running

Two Minnies!

SOOOO TIRED after walking for two hours!  The bags of candy are just sooo heavy!

Two hours later we arrived home loaded down with candy and our feet aching. (Well not Kin's feet, as Mommy's hips and back paid the price of carrying her little bootie around the 'hood).  The kids had fun running and spending time with their friends, and we had fun watching them and maybe helping ourselves to some of their stash (candy tax dude, I walk you around for two hours, you need to pay me in chocolate peanut butter cups).
So that was our night! 
Sweet Dreams Y'all!  Boo!

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