Wednesday, March 6, 2013

My Blessings!

I'm showing off my babies and their latest pictures.  We went in to just get pictures for AJ who is almost FOUR and for Kin's 6 month milestone (I get pro pictures of the kids every three months the first year, then annually after that.  Just something I like to do to mark each age milestone).
So here you go, my sweet babies.  They are beautiful (I am biased but heck, its my blog so go with me).

I do hate the spring background.  Sadly PI requires you to take some shots... I explained I felt the background looked like throw up, but the photographer insisted.  At least my kids are adorable.

Our sweet girl - notice there are no full body shots.  The next picture explains what happened....

Just to make this more real - here is where Kins told us she was over the session.  Classic!  Still sweet though, she even cries cute.

So those are the pictures - had to share my little blessings!  They are my life :-)
Sweet dreams!


  1. really like her pretty legs, feet.toes.

  2. have to look at her and jack off.
